XXII IFOTES congress 2023: Winds of Hope - acceptance and capacity for change

Published by IFOTES on 18 October 2022

Congress title and theme

WINDS of HOPE - Acceptance and capacity for change

Human beings face small or large changes throughout their life, sometimes by choice, sometimes because circumstances and events are forced upon them. This can happen in a sudden and dramatic way and involve not only individuals, but communities and society as a whole, as with the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent armed conflict in Europe.

Restoring hope to build the future

Helpline volunteers know this only too well, given that for 60 years they have listened to people and supported them in the most critical moments of life, in those periods when accepting or changing is crucial to restore hope and to build or re-build the future.

Between acceptance and desire for transformation

For its next international congress IFOTES proposes to reflect on these abilities that only human beings have, to experience changes, moving between the capacity for acceptance and the desire for further transformation.