10th September 2021: World Suicide Prevention Day - Creating hope through action

Published by IFOTES on 10 September 2021

Creating hope through action

World Suicide Prevention Day - 10 September 2021

One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide. 

It can affect every one of us. 

Each and every suicide is devastating and has a profound impact on those around them. However, by raising awareness, reducing the stigma around suicide and encouraging well-informed action, we can reduce instances of suicide around the world. 

World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and to promote action through proven means that will reduce the number of suicides and suicide attempts globally.

Connect someone to life

More info about WSPD 2021 on the website created by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

Do you need emotional support?

People who are in distress and have suicidal thoughts can contact a helpline: they will find someone to listen to them on the phone or via chat.

What can I expect when contacting a helpline?

Find a helpline

IFOTES helplines

Since 1967 IFOTES brings together National Associations of Telephone Emergency Services which offer emotional support, immediately accessible to any person suffering from loneliness, in a state of psychological crisis, or contemplating suicide.